Study Loan

Your future is as important to us as it is for you. If you are having financial troubles in paying for your school or university tuition, paying for boarding and dormitory, books, and supplies, let an R2D Credit financial manager help you. We provide low-interest and flexible term plans for you to be able to focus on your studies.

R2D Credit is a legal and online moneylender established and registered in Singapore, our goal is to back up people with financial aid until they can get back on their feet and achieve their dreams.

Our All Services

What we are offering
to customers

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Personal Loan

Are you in need of a personal loan? Are you ineligible to get a loan from a Financial institution?

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Payday Loan

Payday loans are now very popular in Singapore but unfortunately, most people don’t know what they are and they are used for.

man checking interest on moneylender

Business Loan

The desire to own and have something to build from scratch to the peak is present in several people.

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Debt Consolidation Loan

A debt consolidation loan allows you to combine all your debts into a single, lower interest rate loan.

More Services

Fast , Easy & Reliable

No 1. Personal loan
provider in Singapore

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